
With Coach Jana…

A Full Range of Results is Within Reach


Jana is a Board Certified Health Coach, a Certified Holistic Fitness Specialist, and a Certified Hydration Specialist.

She has the experience and expertise to create a plan to help you reach your specific goals for a healthier life and physical fitness.

Jana works one-on-one with you to help you reach your goals, including sculpting your body and enhancing overall health.


Best Value! 3 Months of Holistic/Fitness Coaching: $1,500

4 Sessions of Holistic/Fitness Coaching: $222


Jana is a Certified Master Iridologist with extensive education and training in iridology.

She will examine the primary components of your eyes—namely your irises and scleras to reveal potential health issues and make suggestions for holistically enhancing your health.


Best Value! Full Iris/Sclera Examination, 30-Minute Phone/Zoom Consultation and Detailed, Written Report Featuring Findings and Recommendations: $100

Iris/Sclera Examination with 30-Minute Phone/Zoom Consultation Covering Findings: $50


Jana is a Certified International Fashion Stylist Professional. She combines her lifelong love of fashion and elegance with extensive training and experience in achieving a dynamic look. Now, she brings that passion and professionalism to support your own style and help you level up your look!


Wardrobe Analysis:
$80 (Analysis of existing wardrobe, identify gaps, plan shopping trip; 1 hour @$80)

Personal Shopping: $270 (Shopping trip to mall with client; 3 hours @$90)

Personal Styling: $180 (Styling session, demonstrate which items pair best with other items; 2 hours @$90

Package Price (Wardrobe Analysis, Personal Shopping and Personal Styling): $530

Health/Fitness Coaching Consultation

We’ll give you more information about our health and fitness coaching, including the services we provide. Please enter and submit your information below:

What is Iridology?

It is the analysis and study of the iris—the colored portion of the eye. The iris is filled with intricate fibers and structures that relate to our individual physical and psychological makeup. These include inherited traits and potential future issues. These findings can also help to identify inherited emotional patterns, which can represent physical symptoms.

Sign Up for a FREE 15-Minute Iridology Consultation to Learn More

We’ll give you more information about iridology and the services we provide. Please enter and submit your information below:
Note: By consulting with Jana on iridology matters, you understand that she is not a medical provider and does not provide medical diagnostic or treatment. Her services involve consultation on nutritional health and do not involve diagnosing, treatment or prescribing for the treatment of any disease.

Sign Up for a FREE 15-Minute Fashion Coaching Consultation

We’ll give you more information about our health and fitness coaching, including the services we provide. Please enter and submit your information below: